Feedback from teacher:
"Good choice of music and the switch from parallel to contrapuntal is clear- always a good sign that the terminology is understood."
"I thought that the very first image was a little ambiguous but after that it was clearer."
"Pace of editing and transitions could have been used to make this more effective- perhaps fast pace for beginning, cross dissolves for contrapuntal."
Feedback from students:
"There was clear indication between contrapuntal and parallel music."
"The use of the Disney characters contrasted with the music."
"increase the pace"
"Good ideas the music went will the images!"
"could have used faster shots and range of images, not just princesses or snowboarding."
"the audio choice suited the video"
"A dramatic effect for the first half did match the video it was effective and left the audience with their imagination to run wild of what went wrong. The choices of images were well suited for both halves of the video."
"A mix of snowboarding images would be better would make a better impact."
"The pictures had connotations of action which made the video seem parallel"
"The use of the Disney princesses matched the contrapuntal sound."
"use variety of images and videos for more impact."
my learner response:
For my video I could have added other pictures to make it less ambiguous for the audience.
Make it faster pace.
Add other pictures other than these elements that were used so that there could have been bigger variety.
Top three videos of the class:
Shivam and dishant:
I thought there video had a lot of tension that built up for the audience and made it interesting and there was clear differentiation between the contrapuntal and parallel sounds.
I liked the use of multi videos in this as it really intrigued the audience and created ambiguity to whether this was parallel or contrapuntal.
I thought this video was really good as it included various scenes of films and was interesting to watch.
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